At last! Tile Bathroom Remodeling: From Tearout to Trim-out has arrived. Is it possible to transform the standard 5×9 “tract house bathroom” into a unique and magnificent area of interest? John Bridge shows you how to do it step-by-step through all the processes beginning with demolition of the existing interior and finishing up with hanging the curtains and adding accessories.
Part One, of a two part book, covers everything right up to setting the tile. Rough plumbing, electrical, duct work, drywall and “framing” with Schluter’s Kerdi-board are discussed. Included are nearly 450 full-color illustrations. No stone left unturned, Part One is a complete book, a done deal. Part One is available here. Price $13.95
Part Two covers tile setting, trim work and decorating. As a bonus you’ll learn how to complete an in-floor heat installation. Part Two is available here. Price $13.95
Purchase Part 1 and Part 2 together and save $4.95 off the individual prices! Purchase on this page, Combo price $22.95
Tile Bathroom Remodeling, Part One and Part 2 are ebooks in pdf format. Order now for immediate download.
Tile Bathroom Remodeling Part 1,2 Combo – $22.95